Dose apj abdul kalam believe in God?

 APJ Abdul Kalam's view of Allah

      APJ Abdul Kalam was a deeply spiritual person and his views on religion and God were shaped by his upbringing and personal experiences. He was raised in a Muslim family but he was deeply influenced by the teachings of Hinduism and other religions.

         Kalam often spoke about his belief in a higher power and the importance of spirituality in his life. In his book "Wings of Fire," he wrote, "God, our Creator, has stored within our minds and personalities, great potential strength and ability. Prayer helps us tap and develop these powers."

       Kalam also believed that religion should be a unifying force rather than a source of conflict. He once said, "For me, there is no religion or caste or anything. We are all human beings. We should treat each other as such."

        Overall, Kalam's beliefs about God and religion were deeply personal and nuanced. He emphasized the importance of spirituality and the potential for human beings to tap into their inner strength, but he also recognized the need for tolerance and unity among people of different faiths


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